Computing Homotopy Classes in Model Categories
Let again be some Grothendieck topos and
a group object in
. I eventually want to give a proof of the following theorem.
There is a functorial construction of a simplicial object in
and a functorial bijection
between the set of
and the set of simplicial homotopy classes of morphisms
To show this we will follow an approach which was presented in the paper/preprint “Cocyle Categories” by Rick Jardine. The point is that proving our theorem comes down to computing homsets between objects of in the homotopy category. Generally, in any model category
embeds into the local model structure on the category
of simplicial objects in
) we can “calculate” homsets from
in the homotopy category by taking a cofibrant replacement
and a fibrant replacement
and taking honest homotopy classes of maps from
However, computing homsets like that tends to be quite difficult because, typically, cofibrant and fibrant replacement are hard to write down explicitly (at least in a form that one can work with). Jardine came up with the following work–around.
Let be a category with weak equivalences and let
be objects in
. Define a category
of cocycles from
whose objects are diagrams
a weak equivalence and whose morphisms are the obvious commuting diagrams.
Remember that any category has a nerve
, its
–simplices are composable chains of
morphisms in
. By a slight abuse of notation I will not distinguish between
. A slight remark regarding notation; the geometric realization of
is often called the classifying space of
and is denoted by
. Sometimes I will consider “a model of”
to be any convenient fibrant replacement of
. In particular, it makes sense to talk about
and by another slight abuse of notation I will often just write
It turns out that in any model category is a good model for the mapping space from
as long as
is cofibrant and
is fibrant. This is proven for example in a preprint of Daniel Dugger’s, “Classification Spaces of Maps in Model Categories”. I will—following Jardine—give a proof of something weaker:
In a right proper model category in which weak equivalences are preserved under products, the homset
in the homotopy category can in a natural way be computed as
The map from right to left is easily described as In the other direction, the map is harder to describe. Instead, let’s consider the set
of (left) homotopy classes of maps from
. Any map
trivially defines a cocycle. If two such maps
are left homotopic, there is a cylinder object
and a homotopy
such that
This means that these three cocyles lie in the same path component of
. Hence, we have a well defined map
If is cofibrant and
is fibrant, then the map
is a bijection.
To prove this, consider the commutative diagram in which the diagonal map is a bijection because
is cofibrant and
is fibrant. Hence, it suffices to show that our map is surjective, i.e. that any cocycle
is in the path component of a cocycle
. Factor
into a trivial cofibration
followed by a trivial fibration
to obtain
where the map
exists because
is assumed to be fibrant. Because
is cofibrant we can find a section
and obtain a commutative diagram
which proves the lemma.1
If and
are weak equivalences, then the induced map
is a bijection.
To prove this we will describe an inverse function. Let be a cocycle and think of it as a morphism
. Factor this map into a trivial cofibration followed by a fibration
and observe that by 2–out–of–3
is a weak equivalence. Form the pullback
in which the bottom map is a weak equivalence by our assumption on
and the top map is a weak equivalence by right properness. This then implies that
is a weak equivalence by 2–out–of–3, i.e.
defines a cocycle in
. This construction yields a well–defined map
which is inverse to the map in the lemma.
Using these two lemmas the theorem about computing homsets is easy to prove. Let and
be any two objects in
and let
be a cofibrant replacement of
a fibrant replacement of
. Then we have a commutative diagram
which proves the theorem.
Note that for this first lemma we haven’t used any assumption on the model category