Hi there! My name is Viktor Kleen. I’m currently a PhD candidate in Mathematics at USC in Los Angeles, see my CV. My research interests include:
-homotopy theory
- Higher category theory
- Algebraic geometry
I now have a preprint describing my work on a motivic version of Snaith’s stable splitting results.
This site is supposed to serve as a research notebook to get me to write up ideas and results. As such, it is woefully unpolished, unreliable and generally to be used at your own risk.
Still, have fun! And please send email with suggestions, corrections, criticism or general rants to kleen@usc.edu if you like.
Torsors and Their Classification III
Interlude on constructions with torsors
Let be a right torsor for some group object
. Twisting with
will be a functor
from objects with a left
–action to objects in
Let be an object with a left
–action. The twist
is defined as the quotient of
by the diagonal action of
, that is, it is the coequalizer
on generalized elements. If
additionally carries a right action by some group object
, then evidently the twist
also carries a right
–action; similarly, if the torsor
carries a left action by some group object
, then the twist also carries a left
Let’s introduce some notation for the action of the epimorphism on generalized elements. Namely, given a generalized element
, I will write
for the composition
. Because
is an epimorphism, to check some relation between generalized elements downstairs it will be enough to check it on generalized elements of the form
. Furthermore, if
actually comes from a generalized element
via projection, then by the coequalizer property we find
The process of twisting has some exactness properties:
The functor preserves colimits and finite products.
Regarding preservation of colimits, we can in fact construct a right adjoint to . It is given by the functor
which sends
to the function object
–action is given by precomposing with the action on
. This won’t be particularly important in what follows, so I’ll skip the detailed calculation.
Showing that binary products are preserved is a little more difficult. Let’s first observe that the functor is naturally isomorphic to the identity functor: Consider the commutative diagram
This induces a natural transformation
which is easily checked to be an isomorphism on generalized elements.
Now, choose a trivializing cover of the torsor
. Because pullback in a topos commutes with colimits and limits, it will then be enough to check that, for any
, the natural morphism
after pulling back to the corresponding natural morphism in
becomes an isomorphism. Since there is a
–equivariant isomorphism
, the functors
are naturally isomorphic; in particular
preserves products, which is exactly what we needed to show.
Preservation of finite products in particular implies that sends group objects in
to group objects in
. This allows the following construction.
When endowed with the conjugation action of on itself,
becomes a group object in
. In particular,
is naturally a group object in
It is enough to check that the structure maps ,
are equivariant with respect to conjugation. This can be checked on generalized elements where it reduces to the corresponding statement about genuine groups. There, it is a simple calculation.
More generally, if acts on itself via automorphisms, then the twist
with respect to this action becomes a new group object. Sometimes, this is called a form of
. This construction let’s us refine the process of twisting a little bit. It turns out that the twisted object
comes naturally equipped with a left group action by
. In fact,
itself carries a natural left action by
. Recall that, since
is a righ
–torsor, the map
given by
on generalized elements is an isomorphism. Let’s denote the inverse map by
on generalized elements. Then we can construct a commutative diagram
where, on generalized elements,
. The commutativity follows from the following calculation:
Hence, because colimits commute with products in toposes, we have a morphism
where the axioms for a left action can be checked by direct calculation.
This action makes into a left
Take an epimorphism which trivializes
. Then it will be enough to check that there is a
–equivariant isomorphism
. Since everything in sight commutes with pullbacks, we might as well assume that
is isomorphic to the trivial right
–torsor and check that then it is
–isomorphic to the trivial left
We first need to produce an isomorphism given a
. I claim that the composition
is an isomorphism. The inverse map is defined by the commutative1 diagram
denotes the conjugation action. Hence, we get a chain of isomorphisms2
The last thing to check is that this isomorphism
is in fact
–equivariant, that is, we need to check that the diagram
commutes. On generalized elements, the top composition gives
while the bottom composition is
But this is equal to
which proves the required commutativity.
A consequence of this theorem is that the twisting functor may be considered as a functor
. Furthermore, if
is a left
–torsor, then we can choose an epimorphism
which trivializes both
. Then, because twisting commutes with products, we find
similarly to the proof of the theorem. Hence, twisting restricts to a functor
from the category of left
torsors to the category of left
torsors. Furthermore, if
is a left
–torsor and a right
a left
–torsor and a right
–torsor then there is a natural isomorphism
which follows from the fact that colimits commute with colimits and with binary products in toposes.
If is a right
–torsor and hence a left
–torsor, let
denote the right
–torsor with action given by
on generalized elements. Then
is a trivial right
–torsor. Furthermore,
as group objects and along this identification
is a trivial right
–torsor. It follows that
is an equivalence of categories with weak inverse
Let’s first produce an isomorphism . Let
be such that
on generalized elements. It is straightforward, albeit tedious, to check that
descends to a group homomorphism
I claim that this is an isomorphism. To verify this claim, it will be enough to pull back along an epimorphism
which trivializes both the right
and the right
, that is, we can assume that
is trivial.3 So let
be a
–equivariant isomorphism. We can then set
to be the morphism such that
on generalized elements. Computing the compositions
on generalized elements, we find
Noticing that
finishes the proof of
Next, let’s check that is a trivial right
–torsor. Let
be the diagonal composed with the canonical projection. I claim that this map descends to the quotient
which will provide a global section of
. This will then imply the claim. The calculation
shows that the diagonal is
is invariant under the right action of
which proves the claim. The last assertion of the theorem is proven in a completely analogous way.
In summary, we have found that twisting with a right torsor is an invertible operation up to isomorphism. This will become essential in the computation of the homotopy groups of
at any basepoint.
Remember that in
on the left is the trivial right torsor and the
on the right is taken with the conjugation action.↩
Note that
denotes the morphism induced by the
–equivariant isomorphism
, using the fact that twisting is functorial with respect to
–equivariant morphisms in both factors.↩
By the proof of the previous theorem, this also implies that
is trivial.↩
Torsors and Their Classification II
Computing Homotopy Classes in Model Categories
Let again be some Grothendieck topos and
a group object in
. I eventually want to give a proof of the following theorem.
There is a functorial construction of a simplicial object in
and a functorial bijection
between the set of
and the set of simplicial homotopy classes of morphisms
To show this we will follow an approach which was presented in the paper/preprint “Cocyle Categories” by Rick Jardine. The point is that proving our theorem comes down to computing homsets between objects of in the homotopy category. Generally, in any model category
embeds into the local model structure on the category
of simplicial objects in
) we can “calculate” homsets from
in the homotopy category by taking a cofibrant replacement
and a fibrant replacement
and taking honest homotopy classes of maps from
However, computing homsets like that tends to be quite difficult because, typically, cofibrant and fibrant replacement are hard to write down explicitly (at least in a form that one can work with). Jardine came up with the following work–around.
Let be a category with weak equivalences and let
be objects in
. Define a category
of cocycles from
whose objects are diagrams
a weak equivalence and whose morphisms are the obvious commuting diagrams.
Remember that any category has a nerve
, its
–simplices are composable chains of
morphisms in
. By a slight abuse of notation I will not distinguish between
. A slight remark regarding notation; the geometric realization of
is often called the classifying space of
and is denoted by
. Sometimes I will consider “a model of”
to be any convenient fibrant replacement of
. In particular, it makes sense to talk about
and by another slight abuse of notation I will often just write
It turns out that in any model category is a good model for the mapping space from
as long as
is cofibrant and
is fibrant. This is proven for example in a preprint of Daniel Dugger’s, “Classification Spaces of Maps in Model Categories”. I will—following Jardine—give a proof of something weaker:
In a right proper model category in which weak equivalences are preserved under products, the homset
in the homotopy category can in a natural way be computed as
The map from right to left is easily described as In the other direction, the map is harder to describe. Instead, let’s consider the set
of (left) homotopy classes of maps from
. Any map
trivially defines a cocycle. If two such maps
are left homotopic, there is a cylinder object
and a homotopy
such that
This means that these three cocyles lie in the same path component of
. Hence, we have a well defined map
If is cofibrant and
is fibrant, then the map
is a bijection.
To prove this, consider the commutative diagram in which the diagonal map is a bijection because
is cofibrant and
is fibrant. Hence, it suffices to show that our map is surjective, i.e. that any cocycle
is in the path component of a cocycle
. Factor
into a trivial cofibration
followed by a trivial fibration
to obtain
where the map
exists because
is assumed to be fibrant. Because
is cofibrant we can find a section
and obtain a commutative diagram
which proves the lemma.1
If and
are weak equivalences, then the induced map
is a bijection.
To prove this we will describe an inverse function. Let be a cocycle and think of it as a morphism
. Factor this map into a trivial cofibration followed by a fibration
and observe that by 2–out–of–3
is a weak equivalence. Form the pullback
in which the bottom map is a weak equivalence by our assumption on
and the top map is a weak equivalence by right properness. This then implies that
is a weak equivalence by 2–out–of–3, i.e.
defines a cocycle in
. This construction yields a well–defined map
which is inverse to the map in the lemma.
Using these two lemmas the theorem about computing homsets is easy to prove. Let and
be any two objects in
and let
be a cofibrant replacement of
a fibrant replacement of
. Then we have a commutative diagram
which proves the theorem.
Note that for this first lemma we haven’t used any assumption on the model category
Torsors and Their Classification I
Torsors in Grothendieck Toposes
Let be some Grothendieck topos, that is a category of sheaves on some Grothendieck topology. This text will look at some properties of torsors in
and how they might be classified using cohomology and homotopy theory. For this we will first need to define group objects. Torsors will then be associated to those.
A group object in a category is an object
such that the associated Yoneda functor
actually takes values in the category
of groups.
A trivial kind of example would be just a group considered as an object in . A more involved example would be a group scheme
over some base
. Such a thing is essentially defined as a group object in the category
. If we have any subcanonical topology on
, then
defines a sheaf on the associated site and we obtain in this way a group object in the corresponding topos on
Let’s now assume we have a group object in a Grothendieck topos
. Then we can define torsors over
as follows:
A trivial –torsor is an object
with a left
–action which is isomorphic to
itself with the action given by left multiplication.
A –torsor is an object
with a left
–action which is locally isomorphic to a trivial torsor; that is, there is an epimorphism
such that
is a trivial torsor in
I want to show that for any –torsor
according to this definition the left action of
is free and transitive, that is the map
given (on generalized elements) by
is an isomorphism. This is going to be some relatively elementary category theory but I think it’s worth writing it up. First a few facts about isomorphisms in toposes, they can be found for example in Sheaves in Geometry and Logic.1
Epimorphisms in a topos are stable under pullback.
In a topos every morphism has a functorial factorization
a monomorphism and
and epimorphism.
A morphism is an isomorphism if and only if
is both monic and epic.
Now, let be a local monomorphism, i.e. there is an epimorphism
such that the pullback
is a monomorphism. Then, since epimorphisms are stable under pullback, it follows that in the commutative square
both vertical maps are epimorphisms. Now let
be a pair of morphisms such that
. Then, denoting by
the pullbacks to
, we have
. but
is a monomorphism by assumption, so
. So we have a commutative diagram
in which the vertical maps are epimorphisms. It follows that
Now, if is a local epimorphism, then again we have the diagram
and it is immediate that
is an epimorphism. In summary:
In a topos, any local epimorphism is an epimorphism, any local monomorphism is a monomorphism, and any local isomorphism is an isomorphism.
Now, let’s check that –torsors
as defined above are free and transitive. Take an epimorphism
such that
is trivial in
. The action of
on itself by left multiplication is plainly free and transitive, so in
we have the isomorphism
because pullback preserves products. So,
is a local isomorphism, hence an isomorphism.
Saunders Mac Lane, Ieke Moerdijk. Sheaves in geometry and logic. Springer, 1994. ISBN: 0-387-97710-4↩